Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant

Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant

On July 5, 2024, Justice Masley of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in Multiplier Inc. v. Moreno, 2024 NY Slip Op 32290(U), dismissing an unjust enrichment claim because of the lack of a sufficiently close relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant . . . Continue reading Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant

Corporate Officers Acting in Bad Faith and Outside Scope of Duties Can Be Held Liable for Actions Taken in Corporation’s Name

Corporate Officers Acting in Bad Faith and Outside Scope of Duties Can Be Held Liable for Actions Taken in Corporation’s Name

On May 30, 2024, the First Department issued a decision in Manhattan Chrystie St. Dev. Fund, LLC v. 215 Chrystie Invs. LLC, 2024 NY Slip Op. 02989, holding that corporate officers acting in bad faith and outside the scope of their duties could be held liable for actions taken in corporation’s name . . . Continue reading Corporate Officers Acting in Bad Faith and Outside Scope of Duties Can Be Held Liable for Actions Taken in Corporation’s Name

Where There is a Question Over the Existence of a Contract, Plaintiff Can Assert Both Unjust Enrichment and Contract Claims

Where There is a Question Over the Existence of a Contract, Plaintiff Can Assert Both Unjust Enrichment and Contract Claims

On May 30, 2024, the First Department issued a decision in 110 NC LLC v. Bank of Am., N.A., 2024 NY Slip Op. 02974, holding that when there is a question regarding the existence of a contract, a plaintiff can assert both unjust enrichment and breach of contract claims . . . Continue reading Where There is a Question Over the Existence of a Contract, Plaintiff Can Assert Both Unjust Enrichment and Contract Claims

When There is a Dispute Over the Existence of a Contract, a Plaintiff May Plead Both Contract and Quasi-Contract Claims

When There is a Dispute Over the Existence of a Contract, a Plaintiff May Plead Both Contract and Quasi-Contract Claims

On April 4, 2024, the First Department issued a decision in Georgetown Co., LLC v. IAC/Interactive Corp., 2024 NY Slip Op. 01870, holding that when there is a dispute over the existence of a contract, a plaintiff may please both contract and quasi-contract claims . . . Continue reading When There is a Dispute Over the Existence of a Contract, a Plaintiff May Plead Both Contract and Quasi-Contract Claims

Question of Fact Regarding Whether Work Was Covered by Contract Precluded Dismissal of Unjust Enrichment Claim

Question of Fact Regarding Whether Work Was Covered by Contract Precluded Dismissal of Unjust Enrichment Claim

On July 28, 2023, the Fourth Department issued a decision in Milherst Constr., Inc. v. Natale Bldg. Corp., 2023 NY Slip Op. 04051, holding that a question of fact regarding whether extra work was covered by a contract precluded dismissal of an unjust enrichment claim . . . Continue reading Question of Fact Regarding Whether Work Was Covered by Contract Precluded Dismissal of Unjust Enrichment Claim

Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between the Plaintiff and the Defendant

Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between the Plaintiff and the Defendant

On July 7, 2023, Justice Reed of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in Quinn v. GCB Capital, LLC, 2023 NY Slip Op. 50674(U), holding that an unjust enrichment claim failed for lack of a sufficiently close relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant . . . Continue reading Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between the Plaintiff and the Defendant

Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant

Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant

On December 2, 2021, Justice Reed of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in Lanaras v. Premium Ocean, LLC, 2021 NY Slip Op. 51128(U), holding that an unjust enrichment claim failed for lack of a sufficiently close relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant . . . Continue reading Unjust Enrichment Claim Fails for Lack of Sufficiently Close Relationship Between Plaintiff and Defendant