About Us

We formed Lundin PLLC to allow us to focus on high quality, high impact litigation with a focus on structured finance and complex commercial disputes and the representation of securities fraud whistleblowers.

Much has been written in recent decades about the importance of effective dispute resolution. And of course, wasteful or inefficient litigation is an economic drain and a distraction from your business. But like everything else in your business, you should approach the question of when and how to litigate based on the particular facts and circumstances you face.

Sometimes, a claim that can be asserted in a lawsuit is a valuable asset. If you have a meritorious claim that you only can monetize through litigation, we are here to advise and assist you in turning that claim into a business opportunity.

When you are a defendant in a complex commercial lawsuit, you need someone to help you resolve the dispute in a way that minimizes costs but that recognizes your rights and tells your story. An expensive scorched earth defense followed by the inevitable surrender is a better financial proposition for law firms than it is for clients. If you want someone to vigorously but efficiently and effectively fight for you, that’s us.


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ABS Update | ABS Updates are brief notes on developing events relating to structured finance litigation

Commercial Case Notes | Commercial Case Notes analyzes legal topics of interest in recent decisions from or relating to New York's Commercial Division

Manipulation Monitor | Traders must communicate to trade. And to collude. The Manipulation Monitor covers the manipulation of the financial markets in violation of the antitrust laws.

LIBOR Update: Rigged Revelations

LIBOR Update: Rigged Revelations

We have written extensively on LIBOR-related issues over the years, and we were interested to see the two recent publications by Andy Verity, the BBC’s economics correspondent, in The Times (see here and here). The linked articles are extracts from Verity’s upcoming book, Rigged, which investigates the LIBOR-rigging scandal—and presents claims that “investigating agencies, including the FBI in the United States and Britian’s financial regulator, were told in November 2010 of an international drive to get Libor and Euribor rates down, regardless of the real cost of borrowing cash.” Continue reading LIBOR Update: Rigged Revelations

Whistleblower Write-Up | The Whistleblower Write-Up summarizes developments relating to SEC, CFTC and AML whistleblowing