Contract Not Repudiated Absent Positive and Unequivocal Expression of Intent not to Perform

Contract Not Repudiated Absent Positive and Unequivocal Expression of Intent not to Perform

On April 25, 2023, the First Department issued a decision in Lee v. Whayoun Jun, 2023 NY Slip Op. 02080, holding that plaintiffs did not repudiate a contract because they did not positively and unequivocally express an intent not to perform their obligations . . . Continue reading Contract Not Repudiated Absent Positive and Unequivocal Expression of Intent not to Perform

Under Merger Doctrine, Transfer of Deed Extinguished Breach of Contract Claim

Under Merger Doctrine, Transfer of Deed Extinguished Breach of Contract Claim

On February 15, 2023, the Second Department issued a decision in R. Vig Props., LLC v. Rahimzada, 2023 NY Slip Op. 00887, holding that in a real estate sales transaction, “once the deed is delivered, its terms are all that survive and the purchaser is barred from prosecuting any claims arising out of the contract” . . . Continue reading Under Merger Doctrine, Transfer of Deed Extinguished Breach of Contract Claim