Out of State Corporation Not Subject to General Jurisdiction in New York Because it Has Subsidiaries Here

Out of State Corporation Not Subject to General Jurisdiction in New York Because it Has Subsidiaries Here

On December 5, 2023, the First Department issued a decision in KPP III CCT LLC v. Douglas Dev. Corp., 2023 NY Slip Op. 06216, holding that an out-of-state corporation was not subject to general jurisdiction in New York because it had subsidiaries here . . . Continue reading Out of State Corporation Not Subject to General Jurisdiction in New York Because it Has Subsidiaries Here

Veil Piercing Claims Dismissed for Failure to Allege Fraud or Misconduct Arising from Misuse of the Corporate Form

Veil Piercing Claims Dismissed for Failure to Allege Fraud or Misconduct Arising from Misuse of the Corporate Form

On November 28, 2023, the First Department issued a decision in Ambase Corp. v. 111 W. 57th Sponsor LLC, 2023 NY Slip Op. 06078, holding that veil piercing claims failed because the alleged fraud or misconduct did not arise from misuse of the corporate form . . . Continue reading Veil Piercing Claims Dismissed for Failure to Allege Fraud or Misconduct Arising from Misuse of the Corporate Form

Papers Served Pursuant to an Order to Show Cause Must be Served Exactly How the OSC Requires

Papers Served Pursuant to an Order to Show Cause Must be Served Exactly How the OSC Requires

On November 21, 2023. the First Department issued a decision in Colonial Funding Network, Inc. v. Finley, 2023 NY Slip Op. 05980, holding that papers served pursuant to an order to show cause must be served exactly how the order to show cause requires them to be served . . . Continue reading Papers Served Pursuant to an Order to Show Cause Must be Served Exactly How the OSC Requires

GBL Claim Fails Because Allegations Related to Defrauding a Contractual Counterparty, Not the Public

GBL Claim Fails Because Allegations Related to Defrauding a Contractual Counterparty, Not the Public

On November 13, 2023, Justice Chan of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in WarnerMedia Direct, LLC v. Paramount Global, 2023 NY Slip Op. 34025(U), dismissing a GBL 349 claim because the allegations related to defrauding a contractual counterparty, not the public . . . Continue reading GBL Claim Fails Because Allegations Related to Defrauding a Contractual Counterparty, Not the Public

When Outcome Mixed, Neither Party Entitled to Fees as Prevailing Party

When Outcome Mixed, Neither Party Entitled to Fees as Prevailing Party

On November 9, 2023, Justice Crane of the New York County Commercial Division issued a decision in Kubera N. Am., Inc. v. Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc., 2023 NY Slip Op. 34026(U), holding that when an action had a mixed outcome, neither party was entitled to fees as a prevailing party . . . Continue reading When Outcome Mixed, Neither Party Entitled to Fees as Prevailing Party